Affiliate program. Earn 30% revenue from
each friend you refer

How to get started

Hello, passive income. Just imagine cryptocurrency rolling to your wallet every single days as a thank you from your pals for using GoZisk.

Get your affiliate link

Copy your personal referral link and share it across your channels.

Invite friends

The more customers you attract, the more revenue you get.

Earn % commission

Get % for every package your referred users purchase.

Arbitrage Investment Package Selection.

Daily Profit sharings base on investment amount to indentify the profit share % of company's arbitrage profits.

$50 > $99

  • Profit Sharing
  • 40% (Client) 60% (Company)

$100 > $499

  • Profit Sharing
  • 45% (Client) 55% (Company)

$500 > $999

  • Profit Sharing
  • 50% (Client) 50% (Company)

$1000 > $4999

  • Profit Sharing
  • 55% (Client) 45% (Company)

$5000 > $9999

  • Profit Sharing
  • 60% (Client) 40% (Company)

$10000 > $49999

  • Profit Sharing
  • 65% (Client) 35% (Company)

$50000 > Unlimited

  • Profit Sharing
  • 70% (Client) 30% (Company)

If Steffani invest $1,000 in Gozisk's Arbitrage Trading means she is entitled to earn 55% of company's daily profits.
Let say if company daily profit is 2%, means Steffani earn $1,000 x 2% × 55% = $11.00 for that particular day.

Referral Bonus

Earns Daily Referral Bonus up to 10 levels.
(Must have min investment of 100 to earn Bonus)

Level 1
Direct Referral

You earn 10% of Level 1 Client's Profits

Level 2

You earn 5% of Level 2 Client's Profits

Level 3

You earn 2.5% of Level 3 Client's Profits

Level 4
Level 10

You earn 1.0% of Level 4 to Level 10 Client's Profits

Pairing Bonus

Earn Pairing Bonus in every 6 Hours.
A Client must have sales volume at least under min 2 legs in every 6 hours to earn pairing bonus.
Calculation based on weaker leg volume x 5%.

Sample of 2 legs :
• Leg 1 volume $10,000
• Leg 2 volume $3,000

• Weaker ler $3,000 x 5% = $150
Greater leg sales volume will be carried forward 10,000 - 3,000 = 7,000. The other leg CF is zero

Sample for 5 legs:
• Leg 1 volume 2000
• Leg 2 volume 2000
• Leg 3 volume 15000
• Leg 4 volume 8000
• Leg 5 volume 4000

• In this case, leg 3 become a greatest leg among the rest of the legs business volumes.

All weaker legs are added up
• 2000 + 2000 + 8000 + 4000 = 16000
• To pair with
• Greatest leg Sales Volume of 15,000

After adding up, now the greatest leg ($15,000) become a weaker leg to pair with the combination of all the weaker legs volumes ($16,000)
So now the Pairing Bonus for this 6 hour period is $16,000 x 5% = $800.00 Both Greatest leg and combination of weaker legs’ CF of Sales Volumes become Zero

User's Pairing limit in every 6 hours is based on the amount that the user has introduced accumulatedly. Client may earn pairing bonus 2 times of accumulated sales value that being introduced. Client may earn pairing bonus is up to max $5,000 in every 6 hours pairing calculations. Means a client may Earn up to $20,000 of pairing bonus in a day.